Since its establishment in 2022, Biostream Test & Analysis Center has conducted quality inspection tests on domestically licensed pharmaceutical raw
materials and finished products based on the Korean Pharmacopoeia. All employees are dedicated to achieving designation as a "Drug Testing and
Inspection Institution" by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety to ensure the reliability of test results.
We aim to become the leading pharmaceutical analysis center in the Republic of Korea by continuously investing in R&D based on customer requirements.
We are introducing advanced equipment such as isolators, LC, and GC and plan to establish an analysis system that aligns with global trends.
Additionally, we will establish Data Integrity-based testing methodologies suitable for cutting-edge analytical instruments by leveraging our extensive
knowledge and superior technology. Through these efforts, we will position ourselves as the top testing institution in Korea with international competitiveness.
Pharmaceutical Quality Inspection Services
- Conduct quality inspection tests on domestically licensed pharmaceutical
raw materials and finished products, issuing internal certificates.
- Provide comprehensive quality control services.
- Perform Analytical Method Transfer between companies.
- Conduct services in compliance with the KFDA's regulations on testing
and inspection organizations (operation of testing and inspection organizations
including quality management system, management of facilities and
equipment including laboratory safety management, conducting tests
and inspections including sample management, maintaining traceability, etc.)
Development of Test Optimization Methods
- Development of method validation
- Verification of testing time and efficacy
- Optimization of Lab. budget
Test Formulations and Test Items
Test Items
Conduct tests in accordance
with the Korean and International
Pharmacopeia and Biologics
Standards and Test Methods.
Default Designated Tests
- Loss on Ignition Test Method
- Residue on Ignition Test Method
- Loss on Drying Test Method
- pH Measurement Method
- Uniformity of Dosage Unit Test
- Tests for Volume of Injections
- Tests for Metallic Particles
- Tests for Insoluble Substances
Pharmacopeia Tests
- Microbial Limit Test
- Sterility Test - Rigid Isolator
- Endotoxin Test - LAL and rFC
- Mass and Volume Testing Method
- Insoluble Particulate Matter Test
for Eye Drops
- Insoluble Particulate Matter Test
for Injectables
- Microbiological Titration Test
for Antibiotics
Biologics Tests
- TB (Tubercular Bacillus) Negative Test
- Mycoplasma Negative Test
- Electrophoresis
Test Consultations
and Inquiries
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