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Leading the Way in the Bioindustry, BIOSREAM

ESG Management Policy

Biostream's Corporate Philosophy is

To become a company that is trusted and respected by all corporate stakeholders by faithfully fulfilling its responsibilities
and obligations as a member of society and continuously increasing its corporate value.

Biostream prioritizes authentic ESG Management as its core value, ensuring that all activities are conducted transparently, fairly, and rationally.
To establish itself as a leader in the bioindustry, the company has declared its commitment to the following 'ESG Practice Declaration'
and pledges to implement it diligently.

ESG Declaration of Practice

  • Biostream contributes to sustainable social development by fulfilling its corporate economic, environmental, social responsibilities.
  • Biostream establishes and practices a transparent and accountable governance system.
  • Biostream will fulfill its corporate social responsibility and foster a safety-first workplace.
  • Biostream is dedicated to protecting the rights of shareholders and investors and increasing the value of their investments
    by realizing sound profits and making reasonable investments through efficient management activities and business processes.
  • Biostream employees shall faithfully fulfill their responsibilities and duties to maintain honor and dignity and form a sound practice
    and organizational culture.