Based on years of technology and know-how, Biostream is
ISO9001 certified and GMP certified, and has built state-of-the-art
manufacturing plants and facilities in Eumseong Campus.
120, Seongbonsandan 1-ro, Daesomyeon-si, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Gross Floor Area
Gross floor area of 6,465.2m2 (1 basement ~ 3 floors)
Stick Packages
Certification Status
Facility Status
Clean Room System
All processes utilize a clean room system
to prevent external contamination and internal
cross-contamination, with strict control of
temperature, humidity, and cleanliness
throughout all areas.
RO System
We use only purified water for washing and
manufacturing during tablet production to
ensure the highest product quality.
High Rack System
We have implemented a High Rack System to
separate and store raw materials and products,
maintaining temperature and humidity while
effectively blocking external contaminants for
quality control.
01Hot-Water Circulation Dryer
02High Shear Granulator
03Crushing Granulating Machine
04Fluidized Bed Dryer/Granulator
05Alexander Granulator
06Double Cone Mixer
07Tableting Machine
08Coating Machine
09Automatic Inspector
10Blister Machines
Facility Status
Chromatographic Component Analysis Systems
LC/GC analysis system was introduced to
precisely analyze the ingredients and their
content in raw materials and products.
Metal Impurity Detection Systems
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS), Infrared
Spectrophotometer (FT-IR), and ICP-MS,
which are essential for metal impurity detection,
were introduced to maintain the highest quality.