Leading the Way in the Bioindustry, BIOSREAM
Biostream has established a human rights policy to prohibit discrimination, forced labor, and other human rights violations.
We are continuously working to improve and ensure the effective implementation of each policy.
Respecting Human Rights
Biostream respects the human rights of all its employees
and ensures that human rights violations do not occur.
Prohibition of Discrimination
Biostream does not discriminate its employees in employment,
promotion, training, compensation, or benefits based on gender, race,
religion, disability, place of birth, or political views.
Protecting Customer Human Rights
Biostream ensures that its products and services do not pose a threat
to consumer health and safety. The company refrains from exaggerating
or misleading consumers in its advertising or marketing. Additionally,
it takes necessary measures to secure the personal information it
collects and stores.
Ensuring Freedom of Association
and Collective Bargaining
Biostream is committed to respecting and guaranteeing the rights
of its employees in accordance with the Constitution and Labor
Relations Act, which form the basis of its human rights policy.
Prohibition of Child and Minor Labor
Biostream does not employ children or youth under the age of 15.
For minors under the age of 18, the company complies with the labor
laws and regulations of the respective country and region, ensuring
they are not engaged in hazardous or harmful work.
Preventing Sexual Harassment and Workplace Bullying
Biostream actively prevents sexual harassment and workplace bullying
and takes appropriate action if any incidents occur.
Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
Biostream does not force its employees to work against their free will
by means of mental or physical restraint.
Ensuring Occupational Safety
Biostream builds a safety culture to provide workers with a safe working
environment and takes appropriate measures to ensure occupational
health and safety at work.
Biostream is strengthening its ethical management system to realize the values of transparency
and fairness that are increasingly emphasized in corporate management and to effectively prevent ethical and legal issues.
Social Responsibility Management
Efficiency Management
Customer Satisfaction Management
Management with Respect for Employees
Biostream prioritizes safety and health as essential values in its operations and is committed to establishing a robust health
and safety management system to ensure a secure working environment for all employees. Furthermore, the employees of Biostream
adhere to the health and safety management policies to foster a workplace where everyone can work with peace of mind.